Finish Your Family Display with Adorable Toddler Photographs
Gifts & Decorations

Big kids are heading back to school and they’ll soon get to enjoy many traditions, one of the most timeless being school portraits. For generations, parents have primped their children on picture day in hopes of getting that perfect shot. Prints are ordered and then proudly framed around the house and at the office.
But what about younger kids not yet in school? As you sit at your desk or on your couch looking up at family pictures, does it seem something is missing without your tot’s picture next to the photos of your older children?
To create a display that represents the whole family, consider scheduling a toddler photo session with JCPenney Portraits. The professional photographers have access to backdrop and prop selections that can be customized based on your personal preference — traditional, trendy or both! You can select from a variety of poses and get the perfect picture of your little angel to go with his or her big brother or sister’s images.
Getting Started
Start by checking out the photo gallery for pose and outfit inspiration. From classic images that focus on that priceless grin to fun full-body poses that capture your tot growing so big, these pictures will truly capture a special moment in time.
Because small children grow so fast, these images will quickly become cherished keepsakes. In a few months they may hit a growth spurt, but don’t worry, you’ll always have their photos nearby (and can come back for updated photos at any time).
JCPenney makes taking pictures enjoyable for caregivers and children. The photographers not only have expert picture-taking skills, but they are specially trained to work with kids. You never know how those little ones will react in front of the camera! From comedic to bashful, there are all types of personalities, and the photographers will be patient and work with you and your child to get the best pictures possible.
As you’re picking out outfits, getting haircuts and deciding on styles for school picture day, get your toddler in on the fun. Help them pick out some cute clothes and talk about how exciting it is to get your picture taken. Then spend some quality one-on-one time at your toddler photo session laughing and getting the best images to display in your favorite spaces.